Tuesday, June 25, 2013

No Blogging Mojo

How long has it been since I've added a post here? I should have looked before I began writing. I find myself in a blogging funk, so to speak. I have two finished books I'm ready to write reviews for, but haven't been able to sit down and do it. I have a great Life Group session from Sunday to report on; don't feel like it. I recently published two items; my novel Operation Lotus Sunday and a short story, "Kicking Stones". I should post about them. Can't find the mojo.

I've been working very intensely on my writing, and on publishing activities associated with my writing. I guess that's sapping a lot of energy, leaving little for blogging. I've also been doing a lot of walking, and taking time to think about what I eat and to fix those foods. It's working, as I  feel that I'm in better health. I still have a long, long way to go in that department, but I'm moving in the right direction and need to do more, not less, to bring good health to reality for me.

So, I may or may not blog much for a while. I'm not planning on publishing much more any time soon. I have another short story done, and will send it out for critique soon. I'll publish it in July or August. I'm working on converting something I wrote for work into a professional essay to publish. I actually started on that, but don't expect to be publishing it till  August. I have about four items, any one of which could be the next thing to work on. They are all book length, so I won't be doing much with them right away.

So, if you are hoping for three or four posts a week here, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up that pace. I'll try to be here more frequently though, blogging about life, liberty, and the pursuit of writing.

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