Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Holiday's Over; Back to Work--But on What?

Well, the Memorial Day weekend is over. I'm back at work and trying to put my mind and heart into it, finding that difficult. We had five guests at the house Saturday through this morning, relatives, most traveling from southwest Kansas to Louisville for a family wedding, breaking their trip with a visit to us. They left this morning, probably ten or fifteen minutes after I left for the office. It was a good weekend. Lots of good meals, relaxation, conversation, some war movies yesterday, game playing (by some; I didn't take part in that), and sitting on the deck conversing and watching birds.

But that meant I didn't take much time for writing projects or research or reading. I read about ten pages in the book on which I'm basing the Life Group lesson series I'll begin teaching this coming Sunday. And I re-read the last couple of chapter in The Shack, just in case I was called on to teach the final lesson in that series last Sunday. But other than that, no reading. And no writing on my blog.

I have three or four posts I've been thinking of, which wouldn't take too much time. I guess I'll be fleshing them out and trying to post daily this week. I'm not going to post goals again this month, as I still am uncertain of where I'm going with my writing career.

Last week I contacted the principal of the Christian school our daughter graduated from, to discuss whether their art teacher would be interested in having their art students illustrate Father Daughter Day as a class project. He sounded interested, but said he had to run to a meeting and would get back with me. That was last Tuesday, and I've yet to hear from him. Is he uninterested, or just forgot? Should I call him, or just let it go as another rejection? For now, I'll do the latter.

Well, back to the grind. I reviewed one drainage project today, and will now jump back on that flood study I wrote about last week. Only a day or two to go on that, methinks. Then I have two or three more flood studies backed up, waiting for me to release them from their current impoundment.

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