Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Income Taxes...

...are done! Put a fork in them. Finished the Federal last night; will have to pay a small amount. Not too bad considering Lynda's stock trading made a decent profit. Of course, we have to move the maximum into our IRAs to get the taxes as low as possible. Finished the Arkansas state taxes about a hour ago; will get back a nice amount--not as good as last year, but several times over what I have to pay to the Feds. Had to figure it two different ways to determine which way was better. I'm a happy man.

Tomorrow I will copy and mail them. That's actually a challenge, for due to businesses I have lots of attachments.

I'd like to get back to this blog with some kind of regularity, but alas a number of things have dropped while I was working on taxes, also due to having to work on my church's parking lot rehab. For the rest of tonight I'll simply say I have to spend some quality time with my checkbook, and make sure all is well there. Then there's the kids and grandkid coming tomorrow, so there's some prep work there. So I can't spend much time here tonight, and probably not again till Friday night or even Saturday.

Oh, I will say that, after a significant drop over the Easter weekend, my page views are climbing nicely at Suite 101. The last three days have all been well above average with revenue as well. Maybe my stock trading tax articles and my Earth Day 40th anniversary articles are pulling their weight and more-so.

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