Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Yes, I am in Orlando, attending the StormCon 08 conference. I will present a paper tomorrow: "A Water and Wastewater Engineer Retools for Stormwater". It will tell of the differences in the engineering approach to storm water as compared to water and wastewater, and give my 11 step program for how I'm working through the problem.

This is the first engineering paper I have written and prepared since one about wastewater odor control at a conference in Barcelona, Spain in 1990. I co-authored a paper that was presented in August 1990 (actually, I was listed as co-author, but in fact had little to do with the actual writing), but in the aftermath of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2 of that year I was not able to make the trip to that conference.

It's good to be back on the "conference circuit", I think. Went to this same one last year, in Phoenix, and made lots of good contacts. This year, however, I have more noticed the difference in age, my age compared to the average conference attendee. Very few people here are my age. Possibly this is because storm water treatment is such a new field for engineers, as is low impact development, that this is a young person's game. Then again, perhaps I'm just getting old.

I don't know when I will post again. I doubt much will come from this conference that will be of interest to the typical reader of this blog. And my writing suffers at this time. I expected to be able to write some, but so far not so. Maybe next week.

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